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Rumor Mill of Thursday, 2 March 2017


Source: The Catalyst

Revealed: Josiah-Aryeh’s Sad End

… Sister Used His Ill-Health Condition To Beg For Alms From Prominent Persons

The Catalyst has gathered that the late Dr. Josiah-Aryeh have had a terrible time in his last days before his demise when some people within his family, led by his sister, Charlotte Josiah-Aryeh allegedly used his ill-health condition to beg for alms from some prominent persons in the society without the knowledge of the immediate family whilst being kidnapped.

Making this revelation amid sobs, the wife of the late late legal luminary, politician and lecturer at the Ghana School of Law, Naa Akushia Cudjoe, who is also the Acting Head of family for the Anumasa Traditional Division of the Ngleshie Alata Stool said during time of the illness of the deceased, with the connivance of a security man at the North Kaneshie residence, Charlotte Josiah-Aryeh kidnapped the sick brother for seven weeks.

According to her, it took the High Court to compel the said sister to tell the whereabouts of the late lawyer.

She explained that before the man was forcibly taken in a taxi at the North Kaneshie residence, he was being managed and could speak with all the persons around him after the various check-ups at the Korle-Bu Teaching Hospital that proved that he had a brain damage.

According to her, after the court tussle over the guardianship of the sick person, they picked-up information that the late lawyer’s condition was being used by the sister and her assigns to beg for alms from some prominent persons in the society without the knowledge of the immediate family whilst being kidnapped.
She explained that when the court granted the guardianship for the wife and senior sister they met the deceased in comma at the 37 Military Hospital on admission.

She said the reports they got was that the sister after kidnapping the sick brother deposited him in the custody of one of his girlfriends in East Legon until the conditions got worse and she also had to deposit him at the hospital without the knowledge of the family.

She noted that when the High Court granted the family to take custody of the deceased on November 9, 2016, they saw the deceased in Comma at the 37 Military hospital on December 13, 2016 and he died three days after.

Meanwhile, tension is brewing within the family of the late Dr. Nii Armah Josiah –Aryeh few months after his demise over his properties.
This paper has gathered that the troubles and fight over the final funeral arrangements and properties of the late politician was because he died intestate, without making a will.
As result of what could be described as a ‘blunder’ on his part, some family members are hell bent on dissipating his properties even before his final funeral rite is held.

The one time General Secretary of the opposition National Democratic Congress (NDC) as well as General Secretary of Nana Koandu Agyemang Rawlings; National Democratic Party (NDP) “…died intestate,” his embattled wife has said.
The wife, Naa Akushia Cudjoe said, the late husband died leaving three houses, two in Batsoonaa, a suburb in Accra and one in the Capital city and some number of cars.
The wife of the deceased said the late suspended General Secretary who left the NDC to assist the wife of the founder of the party, J. J Rawlings to form the new National Democratic Party (NDP) had three children out of his earlier marriage which ended in 1998.
She said because of what transpired the between the late Dr Nii Armah Josiah-Aryeh and his estranged wife, the children have vowed to severe all relationship with their father hence some members of the immediate family thinking that the properties of the deceased are up for grabs.
Speaking in exclusive interview with the wife in reaction to a story that broke on Friday February 24, that “Machetes Over Properties of Dr. Josiah-Aryeh’’ by an Accra based Asempa FM evening show, she said one of the sisters of the late lawyer, Charlotte Josiah-Aryeh together with her lawyer Prince Nii Ashie Neequaye has been at the fore front of the troubles over the properties of the deceased.
She denied being bane of the troubles over the properties of the late lawyer saying she is living in her matrimonial home to the displeasure of certain people who are not happy she living in the said house.

The wife told the media that she is a law abiding citizen will resort to law court to have her rights preserved in accordance with the laws of Ghana.
She said what transpired at the Batsoonaa residence last Friday February 24, 2017 was that she was in her matrimonial home together with her sister when she left for the market only to called by her sister and her husband that some group of people led by one Nii has come into the house claiming to take possession of the house.

She added that when her sister resisted, she was beaten up by the leader the group.
The matter, she indicated was reported at the Batsoonaa Police for a medical forms to be issued for their treatment.

By: Prosper Agbenyega/The Catalyst