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Rumor Mill of Friday, 22 March 2013


Source: Daily Post

Shake Up In Army Top Brass Next Week

With a number of the top brass of our military due for retirement, the ‘Daily Post’ understands from enquiries at The Square that the Armed Forces Council is expected to be constituted by the end of next week.

Some of the commanders of the various units are either due for retirement or have long passed their retirement dates. Official sources at The Square, which houses the Ministry of Defence , indicate that the President has commenced consultation with service commanders he intends to replace and those he intends to appoint. This process will lead to the constitution of the Armed Forces Council in consultation with the Council of State.

With the constitution of the Armed Forces Council, retirements and promotions are expected to be announced soon after. There has been some concern in the army over a top heavy military brass full of Generals who have reached or passed their retirement dates, thus blocking upward movement of younger officers into positions of command.

Consultations have been ongoing with the involvement of the current service commanders, and ‘Daily Post’ can confirm that with President John Mahama expected to complete his ministerial nominations by this weekend, his next focus will be on the security chiefs.