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Rumor Mill of Friday, 15 July 2005


Source: SSgt Mumuni James@SIL

Soldiers being fool by politicians?

In fact I'm very much disturb about the way politicians are fool we the Ghanaian soldiers. Is it because we are always on the quiet or they want us to take our weapons again? The president promised to review our salaries every year but since 2003 up to now nothing has been said about this issue.

What is most worrying is most of our peacekeeping monies are not given to us. Why particular do those monies go to? Recently in parliament we saw how all political parties became one and voted in agreement to their loans.

UN pays every soldier serving on UN peacekeeping mission a sum of $980 a month and out of this only $600 is given to us. Where the $380 goes nobody knows. Our clothing allowances and others that are paid by UN is not given to us. The government should know that she cannot continue to fool us for long, one of this days she will be called to answer for those monies.

I will also like to tell those Army Officers in position today, who compromise their postion with these politicians should know that when the whistle is blown the will not be left out.

President Kuffuor give us all our monies. It is our bloods. Don't rely on those officer because they are not going to defend you when you are attack today rather we the other ranks are the people who will fight for you. So please give us all our operational monies and allowances.