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Rumor Mill of Thursday, 22 July 2004


Source: nanabruku @SIL

Spending spree on British Airways

I witnessed their [President Kufuor & Ministers] spending spree when I was on board British Airways with The President and his entourage to Ghana on their return from France via London in December 2001.

I was directly sitting behind Dr Kofi Apraku and if my memory serves me right, Hon Hackman Owusu Agyapong on the adjacent seat. The way the entourage numbering about 30 were scrambling for duty free goods, it was like a church harvest in Ghana where the wealthy display their cash by going for anything, more especially if they happen to be co chairmen.

I can confidently tell you all the goods on board that evening were bought at the 1st class suit by 23 to 30 Government officials alone. It was akin to the popular joke attributed to Krobo Edusei and Kojo Botsio of the blessed memory.

"Kojo catch me my suffer to gain".

The way the wines and champaignes were corking at the 1st class by these Goverment officials tell you if you were on board, these men and women were on fat per diem even at that infant stages of their throne where every timpany membrane was drumed with No money left in the national cofers by the preceding Government syndrome. Thanks to HIPC the cutbacks are there so what is your beef if the President is on $3000. per diem.