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Rumor Mill of Monday, 5 July 2004


Source: Palaver

The Midight Abduction Plot (0)

A few nights, after Ms Mariama Tula, daughter of Mallam Mama Tula, had exposed the abortive attempt by the Intelligence Service to "smuggle" her out of the country, with false passport in a radio interview, an official of the BNI, accompanied by some sinister characters, had "confronted" her at midnight, near her house, in what appeared like an abduction operation.

The official, Mr Daniel Amoako, was the one to whom she was handed over by Mr Francis Poku, National Security Co-ordinator, who in turn handed her over to one Mr Anokye, in getting her a new passport, as well as her application for the visa to Britain.

Mariama was confronted while sitting by the street-side with some neighbors, when Amoako, came out from his car and "descended" upon her and berated her for daring to mention his name on air.

A scene was created as people rushed from their homes, to enquire about the midnight commotion.

Sensing danger, Mr Amoako and his accomplices had to flee, as the neighbors prepared a counter-attack!