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The news on this page is TOLI. Unsubstantiated. No proven facts. Just rumors.

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Rumor Mill of Wednesday, 12 March 2003


Source: Mercy Blankson of Mamobi

The TV Advert Is A Lie

Does Jake Obetsebi-Lamptey and Oboshie Sai think we are fools? How come they never answered allegation against them in wanting to destabilise the nation during the 2000 election run-off.
They should stop that useless taxi TV advert on the fuel price increase. It is a big lie and we are not buying it.

The advert is “rubbish”, knowing that they (Jake & Oboshie Sai) get petrol for free hence. They should put a stop to the “Animal farm nonsense”.

Among others that the entire NPP party is full of liars. Meanwhile, they should try telling us the truth for a change but we shall demonstrate come rain or shine in 2004 to drive them out.