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Rumor Mill of Wednesday, 20 March 2002


Source: john u.s.a

The self-appointed Doctor Bishop Rev. Owusu-Tabiri


21.05.2002 -- A great storm has hit the BETHEL CHURCH in Paris. The only surviving church for Paul Owusu -Tabiri, since the whirlwind blew through all his churches in Europe for the past years.

News reaching me today said that, one associate-Pastor Yaw Boadi of Paris, has split the BETHEL CHURCH in Paris into two, and the rumour moving around is that, which of the two Pastors, Yaw Boadi and Thomas Boateng, that the church's mandate will be given to.

Since Pastor Yaw Boadi is from Brong-Ahafo Region, and PAUL OWUSU -TABIRI is pure tribalistic and the other side of the coin is, Pastor Thomas Boateng is the Europe co-ordinator.

Both Paul Owusu-Tabiri and Thomas Boateng are crying on the telephone, because " THE BOOTY " for this year is now divided into three. --Church member (PARIS ).

THE FAKE BISHOP & DR.OWUSU -TABIRI'S CHURCH IN TROUBLE( PARIS ) Since the professed BISHOP & DR. Paul Owusu -Tabiri's resignation from the Church of Pentecost International in 1995, was not from the Living God of Israel, but through his own money and properties consciousness, or due to his own cupidity behaviour, problems and confussion has not end in all his churches at home and abroad. The latest news is that, one Pastor Yaw Boadi of Paris, a man from his own region of Ghana (BRONG-AHAFO ), had divided the PARIS BETHEL CHURCH into two like, God divided the RED-SEA for the children of ISRAEL to pass through.

Infact, I am not surprised, because the BIBLE says,"Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows.( GALATIANS 6:7 ).

God is paying back Paul Owusu-Tabiri, what he did seven years back to the CHURCH OF PENTECOST INT. At the moment, Pastor Boateng another hypocrite to Owusu -Tabiri is crying like a hungry-child or a woman about to give birth, because of money to be embezzled is divided by Pastor Yaw Boadi.

One way or the other, it is very good on the part of Pastor Yaw Boadi, because Paul Owusu Tabiri and Pastor Thomas Boateng are all lions in the sheep's skin,hypocrites like the PHARISEES OF JESUS' TIME.

Because, Owusu-Tabiri and Thomas Boateng have put their heads together and embezzling the CHURCH'S FUNDS.Those of you , who have put your FAITH and TRUST in PAUL OWUSU-TABIRI to the extend of calling him <>, he will "PAPA" all your money for you, and when you challenge him, he imposes curses upon you. Christians our only >>PAPA<< is JESUS.

Lastly,some pastors and elders he had defrauded, in Europe and the U.S.A. are on heavy arrangements to arrest him on his next overseas tour.


THE SELF-APPOINTED DOCTOR BISHOP REV. OWUSU -TABIRI(Ph.D,M.Sc.,D.D, Ed.D. THE SELF-APPOINTED DR. BISHOP,RT.REV. PAUL OWUSU-TABIRI had sent a circular letter to all his ALREADY-COLLAPSED Churches in the U.S.A.,CANADA AND EUROPE that, each assembly should send him a certain amount of DOLLARS AND EURO to build a house,because he is old now and very soon, he is going on retirement and since he started the work of GOD, he did not build a house. I strongly, disagree with him,and it is not BIBLICAL OR SCRIPTURAL.No where in the BIBLE that, JESUS instructed the APOSTLES, even THE GREAT MAN OF GOD, APOSTLE PAUL to demand a house from the churches he established.MR. BISHOP cann't tell the whole world that, he is older than THE POPE or many GENUINE MEN OF GOD on this planet.

My advice to him is that, he shouldn't joke or play with GOD OF ABRAHAM, ISAAC AND JACOB.Mr.DR.BISHOP should know what GOD did to GEHAZI because of love of MONEY.(Please read 2 KINGS 5:19-27). I want to tell Mr.DR. BISHOP that, GOD cannot be deceived or mocked..............AMEN!