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Rumor Mill of Monday, 20 September 2004


Source: Kaleo Johnson, Accra

Three Houses in Three Years?

Dear Editor,
On Thursday, 26th August 2004, on Gold FM?s 60 Minutes programme, NPP Genral Secretary Mr. Dan Botwe claimed that he posseses three houses. He did not say when he acquired such substantial properties. If they were acquired before his party came into power in January 2001, then he did very well for himself even when the NPP was in opposition, and he should have no quarrels with the economic and political environment provided by the NDC government which made his enrichment possible.

However, if these three houses have been acquired since the NPP came into power, then obviously he must have either won the lottery or been given the management fees for the dubious IFC and CNTCI loans ?waawaa?. I wish President Kufuor could order his Office of Accountability to look into this, but I know he will not do it. If even he does, dan Botwe like Moctar Bamba and others will come out with flying colours. After all, corruption is everywhere including London and Asia.