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Rumor Mill of Sunday, 28 August 2005


Source: Phill@SIL

Top Ghanaian Doctors die in Road accident. (9)

Dr. Isaac Kofi Bentsil, Neurologist and head of the Korle bu neurology Department, Prof Quartey and have died in a motor accident at Wineba junction about four hours ago. It is belived that three other doctors travelling with them also died.
The team was returning from Cape Coast, where they had gone voluntarily to perform very specialist operations at the Cape Coast hospital free of charge.


by Hilla Banks: From what we now know, the top doctors were from the UROLOGY (Shamo baa) department. Four people are confirmed dead: Retired professor Quartey Dr. Bentsi Dr. Osei-Wiafe, and the driver.
One doctor, Professor Klufio, survived but his current condition is unknown.
The professors were returning from volunteering their services at a district hospital. It is alleged that a truck veered off the road and hit their car.
As of now, about half the nation's urologist are dead.