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Rumor Mill of Monday, 18 July 2005



Top Politician In Homosexual Activities

... Special Assistant At Receiving End ... Wife Mad, Irritated And Disgusted, But Helpless
We are not blowing our horn; the fact is that we have the credibility. We did not lie or fabricate it when we put it out there that the Minority Leader in Parliament, Sumanu Kingsley Alban Bagbin, was bonking his wife?s kid sister, who at one time was staying with them (Bagbin and wife).

This time, we are here to say that a top politician (name withheld for the time being) is deeply steeped in homosexual activities with his Special Assistant.

Our investigations have it that the wife of the top politician who had caught them several times in the act, though very mad, irritated and disgusted, is helpless and cannot do anything to stop the affair but to complain amidst sobbing to confidants.

This politician has a history of faggotism dating back to the 60s and 70s.

Our findings have it that this politician, as far back as the time mentioned above, had an European ?boyfriend? and other cohabitors.

The Kwame Nkrumah Flats at Laterbiokoshie was their rendezvous where sex orgies were carried out.

A converted cohabitor told the Weekend Crusading GUIDE that one thing this politician (who was not then a politician) enjoyed doing during those times was to lure innocent young boys to his ?boyfriend? at the Flats, anytime he was cash-strapped. He was then given money to jet off on his motorbike for the disco or other places of enjoyment.

We are told that this ?boyfriend?, now an elderly man, has heavy investments in the Ghanaian agricultural industry.

We are also reliably told that one of the male sexual partners of this top politician is another popular journalist who once worked at Daily Graphic or is still working there.

Currently, this top politician?s ?second wife? is his Special Assistant who has studied and worked in London before.

This Special Assistant?s bisexual activities, we are reliably informed, started from his secondary school days in a popular secondary school in the Central Region.

While we will not disclose his name at this time, readers have the task of guessing with this clue that one of his Christian names starts with a ?V?.

One other gay partner of this top politician is a lawyer by training. He owns a popular nightclub at Osu. His Christian name starts with a ?C?.

For those who will remember, a senior journalist who has become so close to this homosexual politician these days, and has the penchant to jump to his defence at the least chance, had once openly called him (politician) a faggot at a political function in Legon, University of Ghana, in the early days of the reign of Dr. Hilla Limann.

But for now, readers are informed to keep their fingers crossed for more revealing information and even pictures, if need be, of some compromising situations in which this popular politician has been captured. Believe it or not.