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Rumor Mill of Friday, 6 July 2007


Source: The Point

Two Ministers Chicken Out?

Credible reports reaching The Point from the corridors of Hon. Papa Owusu Ankomah and Hon. Felix Owusu Agyepong indicate that they are on the verge of quitting their presidential ambitions.

According to the report these ministers may officially announce their position to withdraw from the presidential race this weekend after consulting some party faithful and family members on their decision.

Source close to Hon. Felix Agyepong, Minister for Parliamentary Affairs and Majority Leader in Parliament said the Minister has come to this decision because he did not start his underground campaign early and that the five months left is too short a time for him to rally round the country for votes.

The source added that Hon. Agyepong who is also the acting Minister for Transportation's quest to withdraw from the flagbeareship race is to enable him to continue his ministerial work since the facts on the ground show unambiguously that he would not get the nod.

Source have also revealed that the minister has taken this decision to enable him to prepare sufficiently for the 2012 elections. Hon. Agyepong who is a lawyer by profession has successfully steered the affairs of Parliament and has gained great admiration among his peers. He is touted to be one of the most hardworking ministers who has handled different portfolios in the Kufuor- led government.

On the part of Hon.Paapa Owusu Ankomah, Minister for Education, Science and Sports our source indicated that, after testing the waters in some parts of the country, he realised that he does not command enough support, hence his decision to throw in the towel. The source further added that he prefers maintaining his ministerial position since the environment is not responding to his ambition.

The Minister, our source revealed, prefers being a running mate to any of the presidential hopefuls, adding that, he is considering supporting one of them in the run-up to the party's primaries in December 2007.

Sources also added that, Mr. Ankomah's decision to quit the presidential race would also give him enough time to accomplish his vision for the ministry and also mark time for the 2012 elections.

Hon. Owusu Ankomah is also one of the hardworking ministers. Sitting on a seat which always addresses the concerns of teachers and various strike actions, he has gained the confidence of most teachers and educational institutions for his exceptional role in promoting quality education in the country.

However, deep throat source at the seat of government has disclosed to this paper that the president is through with his reshuffle list and Hon. Ankomah and Agyepong are those to be affected.

Castle source hinted that the president may consider maintaining these ministers should they officially approach him with their decision to abandon their presidential ambition before going public.