You are here: HomeNewsRumor Mill2002 04 02Article 28211

The news on this page is TOLI. Unsubstantiated. No proven facts. Just rumors.

Do you want to tell us your rumours? Has somebody told you that so-and-so minister has stolen $ 100 billion? Did a taxi driver claim to have ferried JJ to the castle?

Drop us email

Rumor Mill of Tuesday, 2 April 2002


Source: Carolina (Holland)

WANTED: Felix Adu Kwapong

So here is my story

While I was visiting Ghana in the summer of 2001 I met this guy called FELIX DONA ADU. He got to know that I was in the procces of setting up a business in Holland and was also looking for someone with whom I could work with from across the ocean.

Felix told me that he was into doing business aswell and that he could be of assistance. I never dreamt he would be a con because I met him at a friends house and did not have any doubts about his proposal.

Infact while I was still in Ghana he proved himself to be a very serious worker. Everytime I went to visit companies he went with me and I was very satisfied with the way he carried himself. BOTTOM LINE is : he gained my trust. This is the worse that ever happened to me.

We made agreements that whenever I needed products to be sent to Holland he would take care of that for me. He also brought the idea that the mobile phone business runs good in Ghana and gave me a list of telephones to send to him. He even told me that he had customers for those particular phones already.

He was supposed to send me back the money of the phones as soon as possible to enable me to pay for the ones I bought on credit and buy new phones with the ones payed for already. Felix agreed to all this.

Once the phones got to Ghana he began to claime that he has given the phones out on credit and that the customers are not paying. The agrrement I made with him was not to give the phones out on credit. He also told me that he had customers for many of the phones but then he began to give me all sort of excuses that made no sence.

Shortly after he recieved the phones from me I lost contact with him. Whenever I manage to reach him on the phone he tells me that he will send me a mail that same day but ofcourse he never does. This has been going on since september 2001 and I am still determined to get my stuff back. All because I bought some of the phones on credit and a part of the money also comes from the savingsaccount of my son (5,5 yrs).

Felix is aware of all this but although he keeps telling me he is going to contact me by mail or that he will return the phones that he has not sold, I never hear from him until I try to contact him myself and for a while now he does not even respond to my calls or my mails anymore. Can you imagine my frustration? I am in debt because he thinks he is being smart.

I found out that his parents Mr. and Mrs. Kyei live around the RADIO GOLD area. His stepdad Mr. Kyei is a lawyer that works at the Obujang Chambers. I am sure he will be interested in Felix' devious activities. He can't stand the site of him.

Please help me in any way you can to get hold of FELIX. THis is a list of the mobile phones that I sent him.


I hope you can help me in anyway . I know for sure that there will be some change in this situation if anyone can get a hold of his parents. Is there anyway you could lead me in locating the telephone number and whereabouts of the Obujang Chambers?

Thank you very much so far.