You are here: HomeNewsRumor Mill2004 01 09Article 49569

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Rumor Mill of Friday, 9 January 2004


Source: Richard@SIL

Wereko-Brobby wants ?3.6 Billion severance pay (0)

Dr. Charles Yves ‘Tarzan’ Wereko-Brobby, the ‘step aside’, ‘resigned’ former Chief Executive of the VRA has put in a demand for severance pay equal to ten (10) years’ salary which he has calculated at ?3.6 Billion per year in lieu of notice even though he is said to have resigned voluntarily.

Is it also true that since his so-called ‘resignation’ and pending the outcome of his ‘severance pay’ claim, he is still being paid his regular monthly salary, is still living in the official VRA Chief Executive’s bungalow, is still using his official vehicle, and is still drawing free fuel from the VRA?