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Rumor Mill of Wednesday, 12 May 2004


Source: ashimashi@SIL

Where is Quincy International Airlines?

Ghanaians in Paris have unanimously welcomed the news of Q International operating an Airline from Paris directlly to Accra but are very very skeptic and are still waiting impatiently to see and know how credible Q international is.

With just some few weeks left for its said flight ACCRA-PARIS-ACCRA to take off for the start, Q international has made and is still making a big noise about this flight everywhere, yet they don't have an office where you can go and purchase your ticket and or find out more information about the flight and the airline and whatsoever. There's no one at the other end of the telephone # 01 34 46 18 80 which they've given when you call but an answering machine which only asks you to leave a message.

The website indicated by Q international has only one page and has got nothing doing with its said business. You cannot read any information about Q international on the website let alone buying a ticket for the first flight on the 21st June flight from Paris to Accra or any subsequent flight. Advertisements are all around in the Ghana Embassy in Paris but when you call the embassy to find out more information about Q international and how you can purchase your ticket, from the reception to the highest level diplomat, no one is able to give you any information about Q international.

The question now is, is Q International in to dupe Ghanaians in Paris or just tantalize their yearn to get a direct flight from Paris to Accra. GHANAIANS IN PARIS HAVE VOWED NEVER TO PATRONIZE AN AIRLINE WHICH HAS NO OFFICE WITH A RECEPTION ANYWHERE IN THE WORLD. So all must be warned and be aware about Q International.