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The news on this page is TOLI. Unsubstantiated. No proven facts. Just rumors.

Do you want to tell us your rumours? Has somebody told you that so-and-so minister has stolen $ 100 billion? Did a taxi driver claim to have ferried JJ to the castle?

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Rumor Mill of Tuesday, 11 October 2005


Source: Ghanaian in Japan

Where is the money?

As far back as july this year 2005, the honourable minister for Trade, Industry & Special Presidential Initiatives, Alan Kyeremanteng, met a cross section of Ghanaians based in Japan and some Japanese businessmen at the Ghana mission in Tokyo.

At that meeting, which was held on the 4th of july, a Korean businessman and his Japanese wife presented money in an envelope for the money to be used to build a school.

Since the minister returned, we in Japan have been surfing the net to see if the issue will be reported. To date we have not seen anything to that effect. We here respect this homepage so much. As such, I am begging you to publish this piece and investigate for all ghanaians.