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Rumor Mill of Thursday, 15 July 2004


Source: misbahub

Workers In Fear At Anglo Gold...


Workers of the world?s number one gold miner, Anglo Gold Ashanti at the company?s Obuasi mine in Ghana are now living in fear following an exercise of mass redundancy introduced by the Chief Operating Officer(COO) Mr. Daniel Owiredu.

Since assuming the highest office of the company and with responsibility over five mines in Ghana, Zimbabwe and Guinea D.O has made the AGA at Obuasi and Bibiani a hot zone for people he has haboured dislike for.

Some workers are believed to have helped his former wife when he was engaged in a divorce process with her which he did not like and now is the time for him to pay them back.

Although, he is sacking, demoting and threatening others, he is also promoting people close to him who do not even have the required educational background that will merit them their job.

A former manager of the company?s hotel in Obuasi who had squandered funds and was asked to re-pay was made the farms manager by Owiredu. Reports indicate that, Tony as he is called is perpetrating worst things at his new base.

The Chief Security Officer at the Obuasi mines was also forced to resign by Owiredu without any reason(s) and he is now said to be pursuing other ventures at Sunyani in the Brong Ahafo Region of the country.

Many other workers have also been made to go home quietly with anger filled in their heart for the unfair treatment. But like any typical Ghanaian, they have decided to leave it unto God.

Workers are now appealing to the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the Company Bobby Godsell and Dr. Sir. Sam Jonah the President to ?tame? the C.O.O to stop his witch hunting adventure.

Attempt by any person to try to imagine the harm caused by Owiredu?s action to the family of workers would be an unattainable task considering the fact that the unemployed or the low salary worker can not stand the hard times failed by many Ghanaians.

The morale of hardworking personnel?s of Anglo Gold Ashanti in Ghana has fallen due to the presence of the C.O.O and it is now no longer work and happiness at the company but work and fear. It is the hope of many workers that Dr. Sir Jonah would treat the matter as an emergency and intervene to ensure peace and stability at Obuasi and Bibiane, both his darling mines.