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Tamale Institute of Cross Cultural Studies

Summary: The TICCS accommodation block offers 20 double-occupancy rooms with shower, fan or A/C unit. It acts as a guesthouse, which serves the general public when courses are not in session and serves the course participants during courses.
Region: Northern Region
City: Tamale
Location: Tamale

    The TICCS accommodation block offers 20 double-occupancy rooms with shower, fan or A/C unit. It acts as a guesthouse, which serves the general public when courses are not in session and serves the course participants during courses. Clean and airy rooms are offered at moderate prices (10 USD a night). According to the Lonely Planet guidebook, TICCS is becoming a popular spot with tourists and travelers. Besides the Senior Staff accommodation block located on campus, there are two Senior staff bungalows located off campus at “Nima” behind T-Poly.

    Jungle Bar

    This elegant, rooftop bar with seating for 45 persons is located atop the Senior Staff quarters where its high ceilings and open air sides offer cool sanctuary and warm conversation to weary learners. Drinks and light snacks of pizza, burgers, dogs and grilled sausages are enjoyed by participants and local patrons in a tropical jungle atmosphere provided by cane and bamboo furniture, zana mat ceilings and hundreds of potted tropical plants. Watch out for the rustle of leaves and two sets of green eyes peering out from the lush greenery. Spooky and Wintone, the two TICCS cats, may be waiting to see if you order the “Kokoroko” pizza; it’s their favorite.

    Transport facilities (mini-van for trips & outings etc.)
    Communication services (email, fax, telephone)
    Secretarial with PC
    Availability of PC
    Airport with daily internal flights to Accra/Kumasi
    Tamale Central Hospital and Shekhinah Clinic are nearby
    Tamale is an administrative centre for shopping, business, offices, government
    Landscaped grounds and gardens
    Jungle Bar: serving drinks and snacks

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