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News Releases Blog of Monday, 13 June 2022


Bolt marks Green Ghana Day by planting 300 trees

As part of its efforts to ensure a more sustainable world, Bolt, the leading mobility company in Ghana, is joining the rest of the country to plant trees on Green Ghana Day.

Under the auspices of the Ministry of Lands and Natural Resources, Green Ghana Day was commemorated on 10th June 2022 with the aim of planting 20 million trees nationwide. The theme this year is “Mobilizing for a greener future”.

Contributing to the task of preserving the environment and reversing the negative effects of climate change, Bolt employees nationwide will plant 300 trees in open areas across the country. These seedlings, consisting of fruit and ornamental trees, have been nurtured by officials of the Forestry Commission in readiness for the day.

Announcing their participation, David Kotei Nikoi, Bolt Ghana’s Country Manager, emphasized that “Bolt, as a good corporate citizen, is working with various stakeholders to help achieve the country’s sustainability, by aligning our goals with governments efforts for a greener Ghana.”

Every year, millions of trees are planted on Green Ghana Day to increase the green cover of the country in line with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDG). SDG 15 seeks to “protect, restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, sustainably manage forests, combat desertification, and halt and reverse land degradation and halt biodiversity loss.”

In 2021, the trees planted recorded an 85% survival rate as at the six-month mark. This success was behind the decision to increase the numbers of seedlings that will be planted this year.

“We are playing our part in preserving the environment for future generations,” Kotei concluded. “We believe that the 300 trees that our stakeholders will plant will go a long way in alleviating negative climate change.”

We encourage riders and drivers to get involved beyond Green Ghana Day as well by picking up a seedling from the Forestry Commission and planting it in their house or your community.

Let’s save the planet together, one tree at a time.

Photo Caption: Bolt employees support the Green Ghana Day agenda