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News Releases Blog of Tuesday, 19 December 2023

Source: Joseph Allotey-Kpakpoe

WAPCo embarks on employee volunteerism, donates to Dzorwulu Junior High School

The West African Gas Pipeline Company Limited (WAPCo) as part of their employee volunteerism activities has donated essential educational materials to pupils of Dzorwulu Junior High School in Accra.

The donation is a part of the company's Employee Volunteerism activities which included painting of the school and a 30-minute interaction with pupils of Dzorwulu Junior High School.

Michelle Burkett, WAPCo’s Managing Director said the donation is part of the company's commitment to give back to society .

She added this gesture is the start of many years of employee volunteerism and Wabco will continue to contribute to our communities in a meaningful way.

She mentioned in the near future, we will have a number of professionals who would contribute to the development of their communities.

Receiving the items on behalf of the school, the headmistress Irene Yankson NeeQuaye
,expressed gratitude for the kind gesture and used the occasion to solicit assistance from other companies .

Mrs Irene Yankson NeeQuaye said the donation from WAPCo, had always come as a great relief to students whose parents find it difficult to meet the purchase educational materials for their wards.

She added, “We have other needs, some of our children excuse me to say are so poor that, even exercise books sometimes I have to buy for them. Teachers sometimes have to use scanty salary to buy food and books for the kids.

“We are grateful for this kind gesture from Wapco. These educational materials are really going to help in teaching and learning.

The General Manager Corporate Affairs at Wapco, Dr. Isaac Doku on his part said the organization will continue support the pupils and however encouraged them to take their lessons serious in other to become great personalities in the future .

Deputy Manager, Workforce Planning and Recruitment at WAPCo, Kwame Baah-Forson, in a pep talk with some selected students during the brief ceremony, urged them not to give up on their dreams regardless of the challenges, but to be motivated to become like WAPCo employees or even better than them.

He lectured them on the differences between talent and skills, and how all three require perfecting if they’re to achieve their career goals and objectives in life once they’re able to identify their interests.

The Head of Communications at WAPCo, Nuna Senaya, also engaged the students specifically on what they hope to become in future and advised that they can be successful in other careers even if the specific ones they dream of today do not materialize in the future as long as they’re committed to developing the skills required to excel.

The Human Resource Manager at WAPCo, Madam Patience Adu Mantey, also took turns to advise the students against negative habits that have the propensity to affect their academics and obstruct their formative years.

While acknowledging the importance of electronic gadgets in the process of learning and acquisition of knowledge, she advised them not to overly spend time on such gadgets and social media platforms, but rather focus more on their studies.

She also cautioned them against betting and internet fraud activities saying they have the power to destroy their lives. She urged them to cultivate the habit of reading widely to enhance their knowledge.

Selected needy students were presented with school bags containing educational materials such as books and pens among others.

The students and teachers were offered some snacks after the short ceremony.