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Gnewspage Blog of Friday, 7 April 2023

Source: Gnewspage

49 Years Old Man Filed For A Divorce Because Of His Wife's Inability To Give Birth

A 49-year-old civil servant filed for divorce from his wife because she was unable to give birth for him. The man testifies in court that even though he and his wife have been married for 10 years, they have failed in their efforts to have a child of their own.

He said that even though he only has nine years left before he retires, not having a child is his real biggest problem. In order to find another woman who can produce for him, he is pleading with the court to end the marriage.

On the other hand, the woman said she has tried a variety of methods, including traveling to various locations and ingesting various substances, but none of them have resulted in pregnancy.

She even begs her husband to have a child with a young girl and lets her stay in the marriage, but he still wants to divorce her. In light of this, the court is forced to honor the petitioner's request for a divorce.