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Gnewspage Blog of Monday, 24 April 2023

Source: Gnewspage

A Bolt Driver Opened Up How He Ran For His Life After He Tried To Have Sexual Encounter With His Passenger

A bolt driver revealed what transpired after he attempted to have an affair with his passenger at night. The driver says that he works for a company but often works as a bolt driver at night.

A few days ago, he was driving a 50-year-old woman from Dworwulu to Adenta. She started a nice conversation with him and stopped to buy drinks for them both. When they reached her residence, the woman lived in a huge mansion with six cars.

She stripped herself naked when he finished eating the food she offered him gave. After seeing her naked, he too couldn't resist her. She started romancing him, but he asked for a condom first.

Astonishingly, this woman demanded giving her the condom after he discharges. He became scared and asked her why she wanted the condom back after using it.

The bolt driver claims that she became enraged and yelled at him to follow her orders if he really needed something good from her. Because he had heard stories about how women used the semen in condoms to perform rituals, he became afraid, donned his shorts, and fled for his life at this point.

Despite the fact that he realizes that it was inappropriate to follow his passenger to her home to the degree of attempting to sleep with with her yet he has learn lesson from what occurred on that day.