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Gnewspage Blog of Thursday, 6 April 2023

Source: Gnewspage

How My Employer Started Misbehaving After I Had A Secret Affair With Her- CEO Of A Reputable Company Laments

The Chief Executive Officer of a reputable company is in dilemma as he discusses how his employer is behaving inappropriately toward him following his secret affair with her.

The man claims that although he is married but he fell in love with a woman who works for him. Every month, he gave her so many gifts and cash.

He first proposed to her, and they started having affairs in secret. He made it a point to keep their affair a secret from the other workers for fear that they would tell his wife.

This secret lover began behaving badly toward him a few weeks ago. She no longer comes to work early and also used to miss two days a week, which has been affecting the company's productivity. He tried to encourage her to alter her behavior and concentrate on her work, but she ignored him.

She has rather taken advantage of the love he has for her does all of those things. The man said he loved her and is worried about losing her if he fires her from the company.