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Gnewspage Blog of Sunday, 9 April 2023

Source: Gnewspage

I Divorced My Wife Because She Was Not Looking Attractive After She Got Pregnant- Man Opened Up

A man discusses how he got hatred for his wife after she got pregnant. The 35-year-old man claims that a few months after his wife became pregnant with their first child, she became ill and weak, thin, dark, and continued to spit, which made him lose interest in her.

He started cheating on her after he stopped sleeping with her because she was not beautiful again. He gradually got hatred for her and filed for divorce after she gave birth and brought in his girlfriend.

After four months, he discovered his ex-wife's picture on social media, and she has since regained her beauty. He then realized that he was foolish to divorce her because her beauty diminished during pregnancy. He begged her to accept him once more, but she ignored him.