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Gnewspage Blog of Monday, 8 May 2023

Source: Gnewspage

I Was Born With Two Sexual Organs But I Started Dressing Like A Woman After My Breast Developed- A Popular Apostle Reveals

A well-known Kisumu apostle by the name of Dellan in an interview talked about his sexual organs and how he started dressing like a woman. According to Dellan, he was brought into the world with two sexual organs which are both dynamic.

When his mother took him to the hospital the doctors demanded a significant sum of money before performing an operation on him. Sadly, her mother was unable to obtain sufficient funds for the surgery. When he reached the age of adolescence, he began to accept his condition, though it was difficult for him.

Apostle Dellan claimed that he got married and had a child, but when he realized that both of his organs were were active, so he got divorced.

After he noticed that his female organs were becoming more active than his male organs and that he was also developing breasts, he started dressing like a woman. He lived a happy life, dedicated his life to worshiping God and donating the majority of his wealth to the less fortunate.