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Rocky55 Blog of Wednesday, 10 January 2024

Source: Isaac Appiah

Examine every appointee of the present administration, Nyaho-Tamakloe advises the incoming president.

Dr. Nyaho Nyaho-Tamakloe, a prominent figure in the New Patriotic Party, has recommended that the incoming president of the nation look into each and every appointment made by the Akufo-Addo-led government.
He declared that a commission of investigation to look into allegations of corruption against existing government officials must be established by the victor of the 2024 presidential contest.
"The next president of our nation must appoint a commission of investigation to look into everybody who has worked in public service, especially in government. Because a great deal of what they have done is well-known to the public. Humans are the ones who erected the buildings in Peduase and wherever else you can think of, after all. In an interview with Alfred Ocansey on Ghana Tonight on January 9, he stated, "So, they shouldn't think they are not known; they are known."
At a public lecture on January 8 on the theme "Reflections on our democracy," hosted by the University of Professional Studies, Accra (UPSA) and the One Ghana Movement, Dr. Nyaho-Tamakloe was responding to questions posed by Dr. Kwadwo Afari-Gyan, the former chairman of the Electoral Commission.
Vote-buying and vote-selling, according to Dr. Afari-Gyan, weaken national democracy by preventing voters from holding their elected officials accountable through elections.
However, it is a disgraceful show as vote-buying and vote-selling are illegal and they go against two fundamental democratic tenets. Vote-buying and vote-selling undercut the notion that we always hold our elected leaders accountable through elections, as well as the notion that we choose our leaders voluntarily, lamented the elections expert.
Dr. Nyaho-Tamakloe went on to say that corruption is pervasive in Ghana. He lamented the prospect of the MP post going up for auction to the highest bidder sooner rather than later. This would lead to "incompetent people" holding such posts.
He emphasized, "We as a nation must act to stop it, or else we will reach a point where money is used to buy votes, elect legislators, and major political figures in this country, especially the president. At that point, you have to realize that our time as a nation is over."

The distinguished statesman further recommended that the incoming president must carry out all of the ongoing initiatives started by his predecessor and halt what is now known as "protocol recruitments" into the security agencies.