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TrenderHQ Blog of Wednesday, 12 April 2023

Source: Philip NeeWhang

Seraph Star SHINES bright on Artist Spotlight!

You may be wondering who Seraph Star is. He is a gifted musician and songwriter gaining popularity in Accra, Ghana, with his spirit-inspired tunes.

Offstage, he is known as Mintah Bernard Kwabena. He was born as a twin in Oda, Ghana, into a family of thirteen children. He likes AfroDancehall and doesn't mind combining it with other genres such as Hiphop Drill Dancehall, Afrobeat, and Highlife to create his songs.

When asked why Seraph Star, the AfroDancehall artist expounded that, he chose Seraph Star as a stage name through inspiration from the Bible as he is of the belief that names do have impacts on our lives. "It’s a name of an Arch Angel called Seraphim who the Bible declared that they shine powerfully." "Therefore I felt in my spirit I should use the name Seraph Star since I have the aim to shine and take over in the music industry", he added.

To Seraph Star, music has been a part of his life since Secondary although he never thought of taking it up as a career path.
He reveals that it all changed when he got a revelation from an examiner during the 2018/2019 NovDec examination. He believes that was the push he needed and got it.

EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND: He received his primary and secondary education at Chorkor Presby, New Hope of Glory in Shiabu, and Believers International School, in that order. He was eventually admitted to Koforidua Secondary Technical School (SecTech) to study Metalwork as a Senior High School student.

Seraph Star studied Mechanical Engineering at Accra Technical University for his tertiary education.

STARTING POINT: Entertainment in Schools they say, is one of the surefire ways to develop the potential in the coming youth, energize, excite, and expose them to the industry. Well, that did the job for the youthful Seraph Star. It opened opportunities for him to showcase his talents to friends and family at Accra Technical University and beyond.
He had the opportunity to perform at his Alma mater during the annual ATU SRC AKWAABA event in 2023 with some popular artists in Ghana.

CREATIVE PROCESS: When asked about the overall picture of Seraph Star, he confirms that songwriting inspiration comes from a variety of sources. With the understanding that music is dynamic and soul food, he methodically pens down ideas for his songs based on the melody or tempo he desires to use and how engaging he anticipates the conclusion to be.
On other days, he simply needs to take a creative nap, and the lyrics begin to flow.

Seraph Star has one album; produced, mixed, and mastered by two producers.
Produced by Skenxie, mixed and mastered by Kachibeatz.
The album was created on January 17, 2023, and released with the entire album on January 27, 2023.

Interestingly, each song in the album carries a memorable message for listeners.

The THIRD SERMON is a Hiphop Drill song, written based on the AfroDancehall artist's life experiences. It explains how the poor have no friends because of their financial state yet the rich experience the opposite.

The HIGHER is an Afrobeat song, written through the inspiration of a beat played by his producer. It elaborates on love and the very expectations and promises of love. The song further warns evil wishers to stay clear.

SA NSUO (Fetch Water For Me) is also a highlife song based on a life story that was written in a studio session. It creatively describes how one falls in love and later has to endure loneliness when your partner leaves.

PRINCIPLES OF LIFE: Being a better person is and has always been the talent guru's inspiration, and it certainly works for him. He is determined and has made significant progress since taking his first steps in the music industry.