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TrenderHQ Blog of Thursday, 29 December 2022

Source: Philip NeeWhang

This Christmas, more Ghanaians are having unprotected, casual sex - AIDS Commission warns of risks

The Ghana Aids Commission is concerned about the general public's low condom use, particularly around holidays.

The impression that casual sex without a condom is preferable continues to mislead many people, especially young people, according to Dr. Kyeremeh Atuahene, director general of the Ghana AIDS Commission.

Only the first half of 2022 saw 23,495 HIV-positive tests. However, more than 100,000 people are HIV-positive and not receiving any kind of testing or treatment.

People frequently make an effort to have a good time during the holiday season and break free from rigid routines.

Sex cannot be eliminated from the discussion, despite the celebrations.

According to the Ghana AIDS Commission, more people than ever are engaging in casual sex. According to Dr. Kyeremeh Atuahene, director general of the Ghana AIDS Commission, 80% of HIV infections occur as a result of risky sexual behaviors such hookups, booty calls, and one-night stands.

“Casual heterosexual sex contributes to over 70 percent of all new HIV infections, but people still continue to engage in casual sex without condoms. Sex is fun but whiles having fun, remain cautious.’’

Previously, the commission would launch nationwide condom testing, distribution, and lobbying campaigns around holidays like Christmas. However, none of these events have occurred this year since, according to the commission, there are not enough resources.

Over time, funding from donor partners has drastically decreased, which continues to have an impact on the advocacy initiatives the commission plans to launch.

Reference: More engaging in casual sex without condoms this Christmas – AIDS Commission |