You are here: HomeGhanaWeb PollsOther than NDC and NPP, which party stands a chance of making waves in December?

GhanaWeb Poll

Other than NDC and NPP, which party stands a chance of making waves in December?

1) All People's Congress (APC) - Hassan Ayariga1561.80%
2) Convention People's Party (CPP) - Ivor Greenstreet7328.42%
3) Ghana Union Movement (GUM) - Rev. Christian Kwabena Andrews8089.30%
4) People’s National Convention (PNC) - David Apasera2733.14%
5) Progressive People's Party (PPP) - Brigitte Dzogbenuku3,54440.78%
6) Ghana Freedom Party (GFP) - Akua Donkor1651.90%
7) Liberal Party of Ghana (LPG) - Kofi Akpaloo790.91%
8) National Democratic Party (NDP) - Nana Konadu Agyeman Rawlings2923.36%
9) United Front Party (UFP)00%
10) United Front Party (UFP) - Nana Agyenim Boateng310.36%
11) None2,60629.99%

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