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Lovely Blog of Thursday, 11 January 2024

Source: Lovely

GH boy big boy Prince TOD arrested in the US for fraud, money laundering and other vices

GH boy big boy Prince TOD arrested in the US for fraud, money laundering and other vices
In recent developments, Prince TOD, known for showcasing a lavish lifestyle on his Instagram page, has come under scrutiny for his sources of income.

Despite the display of opulence, there are allegations that his affluent lifestyle is sustained through fraudulent activities at the expense of hardworking individuals.

Prince TOD’s Instagram account offers a glimpse into a life characterized by the latest designer clothing, high-end footwear, luxurious Mercedes vehicles, and extravagant jewellery.

However, recent revelations suggest that his financial dealings may not align with the perceived image of legitimate success.

Sources have indicated that Prince TOD has been under investigation by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) for the past two years.

His inclusion on the FBI’s list of individuals associated with fraudulent activities has now brought the alleged misdeeds to the forefront.

The details surrounding the specific nature of the alleged fraudulent activities have not been disclosed, as investigations are likely ongoing.

The juxtaposition between his ostentatious lifestyle and the potential exploitation of hardworking individuals raises ethical and legal concerns.

As reported he’s currently behind bars as the FBI continues its investigations.

Curerently, Prince TOD has successfully joined Hajia 4 Real and Hushpuppi as West Africa’s most notorious criminals and fraudsters.

Now let’s have some education on Money Laundering and Fraud (Credit Card Scams)

Money Laundering
Money laundering is a complex and illegal process that involves disguising the origins of illegally obtained money, typically using transfers involving foreign banks or legitimate businesses.

This process aims to make the illegal proceeds appear legitimate by passing them through a complex sequence of banking transfers or commercial transactions.

The ultimate goal is to integrate the “dirty money” into the legitimate financial system.

Stages of Money Laundering:

Placement: Introducing “dirty money” into the financial system, often by breaking it into smaller, less suspicious amounts.

Layering: Conducting complex financial transactions to confuse authorities, such as wire transfers, buying and selling securities, or changing the form of the assets.

Integration: Placing the laundered money back into the economy, making it appear as if it comes from a legitimate source. This could involve investing in legal businesses or purchasing assets.

Methods of Money Laundering:
Shell Companies: Creating fictitious companies to give the appearance of legitimate business activities.

Smurfing: Breaking down large sums of money into smaller, less suspicious amounts to avoid detection.

Trade-Based Laundering: Manipulating invoices or overvaluing/undervaluing goods in international trade transactions.

Cryptocurrency: The anonymity and global nature of cryptocurrencies have made them attractive for money laundering.

Credit Card Scams
Credit card scams involve fraudulent activities designed to gain unauthorized access to someone’s credit card information or exploit their credit card for financial gain.

Criminals use various tactics to commit credit card scams, and individuals should be aware of common techniques to protect themselves. Here’s a comprehensive overview:


Email Phishing: Scammers send emails posing as legitimate entities, asking recipients to provide their credit card information on fake websites.

Phone Phishing (Vishing): Fraudsters call individuals, pretending to be from a reputable organization, and request credit card details.


Criminals use skimming devices to capture credit card information when cards are swiped at ATMs, gas pumps, or other point-of-sale terminals.

Miniature card readers or overlays are placed over legitimate card readers to collect data without the victim’s knowledge.


Criminals use stolen credit card information to make small online purchases to verify if the card is active and valid before making larger unauthorized transactions.

Identity Theft:

Fraudsters may steal personal information to apply for credit cards in someone else’s name, leading to unauthorized charges and potential damage to the victim’s credit.

Fake Credit Card Generation:

Criminals use software or online platforms to generate fake credit card numbers, which may be used for fraudulent online transactions.

Lost or Stolen Cards:

If a physical credit card is lost or stolen, unauthorized individuals may use it to make purchases until it is reported and deactivated.

Data Breaches:

Large-scale data breaches at businesses or financial institutions can expose credit card information, making individuals vulnerable to fraudulent transactions.

Social Engineering:

Scammers use psychological manipulation to trick individuals into providing their credit card information willingly, often by posing as a trustworthy entity.

Unsecured Wi-Fi Networks:

Using credit cards on unsecured public Wi-Fi networks can expose the information to hackers who may intercept and misuse it.

Malware and Ransomware:

Malicious software installed on a user’s device can capture credit card information, and ransomware attacks may involve threats to release sensitive information unless a payment is made.