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TheoNews Blog of Wednesday, 15 March 2023

Source: TheoNews

Why You Shouldn't Use Your Fingers On A Woman's Private Organ During Intimacy

According to WebMD, there are several reasons why you should make an effort to be physically close to your date. Some people find that foreplay helps lubricate the private part in preparation for more intimate physical contact. Some men have a bad habit of inappropriately touching a woman's private parts and other private areas during intercourse. According to a study published in Webmd, various diseases can be transmitted to the female génital organs through the fingertips.

As we will see in the next paragraph, it is very easy to spread infection from a human finger to the female génitals. Most of them are listed below by WebMD.

Human papillomavirus

Because the virus spreads through direct skin-to-skin contact, people who are physically close to each other are at high risk of contracting the virus. Some studies have shown that people who have HPV on their génitàls also have the virus under their nails. Because the transmission rate of this virus is very low, transmission from a person's fingertips to the genital area is very rare.

Spread of other s€xually transmitted diseases

There is still a risk of getting gonorrhoea through your fingertips. Most cases of this disease are transmitted through $ex. Studies have shown that it can spread through the fingertips, but it can also spread through the air. The herpes virus can spread from one person's fingertips to another person's s€xually active body parts. One way to get it is through an open wound.

Always use gloves and your fingertips when touching a woman's genitals to avoid spreading the disease. If you notice signs of infection in your s€xually active organs, you should see your doctor immediately.