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Reporter Post of Monday, 18 December 2023

Source: Frank Owusu Kojo Asiamah

Dr.Maulana gives credit to Ga Mantse for supporting the African Diaspora in their quest for Ghanaian Citizenship.

Dr.Maulana Maulana has given credit to the king of the Ga Nation - King Tackie Teiko Tsuru II, and his Council for supporting the coming home of the African Diaspora (African Descendants of the Trans - Atlantic Slave Trade).

Dr. Maulana Maulana, father of the 'Right to Return' 2016, that gave birth to 'Year of Return' 2019. Also, he is the Head Architect amongst other African Diasporans, who developed the Educative Outreach Programme, opting for Ghanaian Citizenship for the desirous African Diasporans living in Ghana.

During Dr. Maulana Maulana's powerful presentation at the recently held TownHall Meeting, venue, Ga Mantse Palace, North Keneshie, Accra; hosted jointly by the 'International Convention of Africans in Diaspora' (ICAD), Ministry of the Future (MOF), and the Embassy of Suriname Republic. Dr. Maulana Maulana showered with praise, the Ga Mantse and his sub-chiefs for supporting the African diasporans in their quest for Ghanaian Citizenship in 2023, and the upcoming year, 2024.

Also, Dr. Maulana Maulana called out the 'African Descendants of the Trans Atlantic Slave Trade' to get serious about their desire of being Granted Ghanaian Citizenship, ahead of the upcoming year, 2024. He said this enlight of Ministry of the Future (MOF) and its new members will be going forward with Ghana Citizenship Applications in 2024.

Moreover, Dr. Maulana Maulana, highlighted this time around, the African Diaspora has the Ga Mantse, the whole Ga Nation and the Republic of Suriname Embassy in Ghana, supporting their quest for Ghanaian Citizenship, in 2024.

Ministry of the Future (MOF) and Dr. Maulana Maulana, would like to close by saying "We Give Thanks, Praise and Glory to The Almighty" for allowing this august Programme to happen; also, "we thank dearly the Office of the Ga Mantse and the Embassy of the Republic of Suriname for being so compassionate and supportive of the many challenges facing the African Diasporans Return Journey Back2Africa." May God Bless King Tackie Teiko Tsuru II, and Bless H. E. Fidelia Graan-Galon; and, above all, "May God Bless Our Homeland, Ghana."

*Background history of Dr.Maulana Maulana and the Ghana Citizenship Journey*

Dr. Maulana Maulana, founder of Ministry of the Future (MOF), the NGO that submitted over 252 Ghana Citizenship Applications on behalf of the African Diaspora. November 27th, 2019 126 African Diaspora Applicants received their Ghanaian Citizenship Certificates. Thus, remaining 126 applicants who did not receive their Citizenship Certificates in 2019.

However, Dr. Maulana Maulana was determined that he was going to work hard for the Government to fulfill his promise to the remaining 126 Applicants, so he started diligently working since December, 2019 to bring successful Citizenship closure for the 126 Applicants.

Subsequently, thereafter, there was no proper response from Ministry of the Interior on this matter. So, March, 2021, Ministry of the Future (MOF) organized an Extra Ordinary TownHall Meeting Programme at Paloma Hotel, Circle - Accra. MOF engaged the services of three great international legal practitioners as guest speakers. One of the speakers, an International Lawyer K-SAN LAW Firm, made a submission on how the 126 Citizenship Applicants issue will be addressed bin a Court of Law, and he used the legal terminology" *Legitimate Expectation"*. So these lawyers advised Dr. Maulana Maulana and his team (MOF) to consult a legal team to deal with the government on their behalf.

Fast forward, Ministry of the Future (MOF) hired the service of one of the guest speakers at the event, Lawyer Charles Owusu Juanah Esq of K-san law firm and he started engaging with the office of the president ( Diaspora Affairs) on behalf of Ministry of the Future (MOF).
So on 14th April 2021 the government issued an Official Letter to the law firm addressing and explaining the whole process and assured all applicants to be positive because they will surely received their Ghanaian Citizenship Certificates, soon.

It's been a long journey coming and Ministry of the Future (MOF) having been committed to bring added value to mother Ghana and the Africans of the Diaspora, who have desires and love for Ghana and wants to become Ghanaian Citizens.

Ministry of the Future (MOF) has had a long journey going back with other African Diasporans, assisting them as early as the 1990's on this very subject and they are very glad Government has now taken them so serious.

Also as part of the governments efforts to maintain the future relationship with the 'African Descendents of the Trans Atlantic Slave Trade' and also to help Ghana develop and add value to Ghana's economy, the Government has now developed a legal framework-process to help Africans of the Diasporan to become Ghanaian Citizens under a new law Called " *'Ghana Homeland Return Act'*.

So, Ministry of the Future (MOF) will be doing all within their ability to work closely with Government to help other Africans of the Diaspora, who are desirous to get Ghanaian Citizenship, to help with the investment of added value to Ghana's Economy, by encouraging them to apply for Ghanaian Citizenship under this particular law.