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Reporter Post of Thursday, 11 January 2024

Source: bro. samuel obeng badu


My nation has been known to be one of the best and peaceful since time immemorial but now it’s on its way to something indescribable.
Politicians have used the concept of representative democracy to enrich themselves and their families. Cronyism is the order of the day. They have rented the media and foot soldiers to defend this system and top kill the citizens whose taxes are used to finance their luxurious lifestyle with no recourse to the welfare of the masses. They have little or no value for human life.
You cannot be teaching young people that the only way to succeed in a democracy is to enter politics and steal the people’s monies. Corruption lines up in every procurement government bids, you have to know someone in the political circle to land a common job.
And the system has become an elite consensus with so much political polarization among NDC and NPP creating tension with their binary political ideologies and partisan identities. When in actual sense, the political class is united at the top and creating fake division of multiparty democracy in an NDC and NPP fight.
These elites have failed Ghana! They have stolen the future of it youth and have made slave to the system because of survival. It has left young people leaning on a false hope that they will be given their share of the national cake so the system must be defended.
From the presidency to parliament to the court, the system is perverted it is all a game for political actors.
Criticism is one of the tools to make leadership strong but these elites of NDC and NPP are making the youth phobias of their own capabilities and installing fear in them to protest and stand for justice.
Ghana politicians are united on all the wrong issues and divided on all right issues. People sees the current leadership as a disappointment, yet this bogus system did not start with him. The NDC and NPP should look at themselves and be ashamed for what they have done to our beloved Nation.
The only completion within the political class is about winning the next elections and determine who controls the resources of the state, it has a little to do with the progress of our nation such a scam of competitive democracy that is so well rehearsed and sound reasonable to an inattentive mind.
The system is not conducive enough in its entirety, it is either you get punished for your honesty or you become hypocritical or an advocate for lies and jingoism.
Morality is no more a priority in this country. Society has managed to lure us to believe that money, fame and power are the order of the day.
Our country does not have a national policy but rather a political parties manifestoes, everything looks upside-down, the practice of democracy has become our biggest enemy of all time. It is quiet unfortunate that majority of the youth are blindfolded, youth of my generation follows anyone whom they deem fit once they have some benefits from them and as such follows blindly no matter what is ahead of them.
Considering our governance now, political leaders are being followed blindly by the youth simply because of what they assume can get from them and that is destroying our generation.
Delving deeper, the happenings in our country represents the whole human race which is still blinded by the darkness of ignorance and also being led by blindfolded leaders who do not know the true purpose and importance of human life.
Most human beings so to say, are still groping in darkness in order to remove our blindfolds, I would like us to explore into the deeper meaning to human life. Let’s wake up our own unit minds to the point of wisdom and enlightenment and spread love and joy wherever we may be.
Obviously, the future of Ghana depends on the awakened youth of the country and that is why we need to find ways and means to remove our own blindfolds, understand the reality of being a human and help build a better Ghana.
By this medium, we communicate to fellow youths, let us all stand for the truth and justice to clear the misconception of people thinking that the youth are more corrupt that the old men.
We say thank you to those who are fighting well for the betterment of our nation and cheers to all paid journalists who have kept mute on right issues.